Amica Mutual Insurance Company, 100 Amica Way, Lincoln, RI, 02865

U.S Insurance Company and Agency Rhode Island Insurance Company and Agency Rhode Island - List of United States insurance companies, agency, brokers

Amica Mutual Insurance Company

Company Name: Amica Mutual Insurance Company
Status: Active
State: Rhode Island
Post: 02865
Zip: 2865
County: Providence
City: Lincoln
Address: 100 Amica Way
Phone: (800)242-6422
Fax: (401)333-4610
Email: unknown
Web site:
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Name: T.D.
Message: Amica is a great insurance company. Staff is always helpful, courteous and professional.
Name: W.L.
Message: We have had Amica Ins. For about 30yrs. They are always very responsive to our needs. They always make you aware of new products and services that are best for you.
Name: T.P.
Message: Amica is the kind of company where your parents have their insurance, then you have your insurance, then your kids begin to have their insurance.. "They" say that Amica Insurance is very expensive. However, 3 years ago, I sharpened my pencil and tried every insurance company out there - - big ones, internet, independents, etc. I approached it like a business or investment matter; which, frankly it was.. I was pleasantly surprised that no one could touch Amica's price! They absolutely cannot touch their customer service!
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